Sunday, September 30, 2007


sukkot: jewish holiday when you build huts outside. sit in them to eat. a good excuse for vacations.

anyway sukkot vacation was almost here and i had no clue wtf to do. i sure as hell didnt want to go down to florida with my family. and my brother was going with his girlfriend somewhere. which left me to fend for myself. so obviously i called M and D to see what they were up to. turns out they werent exactly psyced to be with their familys either. so M said me and D should come to her house in the hamptons. everyone who lives around here has houses in the hamptons. even if you dont want one there- you kinda just needa get one so you`ll be in with it. pathetic? very.
anyways it sounded good, way better then anything i had planned so far (which was nothing). so we had a day off from school before the holiday started so we were gonna drive up later that night- around 8 or 9.
so my family had already left for florida so it was nice and quiet. i slept late, took a long bubble bath. realxed. finaly. turning out to be a pretty good vaca afterall. perfect relaxing day, and whats one thing a perfect relaxing day cant be complete without? shopping. so i went to the usual stores and looked around. ended up buying a shitload of stuff. i dont even know why, but it looked good- and its vacation. so i went home and plopped on my bed- all the shoppping had pooped me out. next thing i know my phones vibrating and i look and its already 7:00! shit so much to do! so i ran outside b.c i needed mani-pedi for the holiday! so i quick got one, ran home. jumped in the shower- shoved my hole closet into a bag. called M back (was the that called at 7) and she said shes picking me up in 5. so i went downstairs and grabbed coffee and then by that time- she was there. nice. jump in the car- Ds already there...and other people are also. there was jake and joshua and connor and ian! im like wtf are u doing here? and turns out last minute there going to joshuas house in the hamptons- which is close to Ms so yay. they also told me that rebecca, marenelli and few other people are going also just there wasnt rooom in the car so their driving up with jen.

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