Tuesday, September 25, 2007

beach bums

ahh a new day.

it was gorgeous weather and we all wanted to do something fun. so we decided perfect day for the beach! i hadnt gone to a local beach, with my home friends, all summer. so put on our bathing suits and minis and went! we went to Ms house and her driver took us. it was me and my love joshua, marissa and her love jake, dan and her love connor and then ian! haha wuta loner. it was really fun tho. we were joking around in the car and just enjoying eachother- its been wierd not having this all summer. im so used to those long drivees up to the beach, sleeping there, smoking there- just chilling. and i hadnt dont this in like a yeaR! so it felt really good to be out there with them.

when we got there we went straight into the water. for the special occasion we all ofcorse worre our most sexiest bikinis- and lemme tell you ,the guys didnt look too bad either. we thought they were hot in their little prepster outfits- but you havnt seen anything until you see them spawled across the hot sand with their tan bodys...shirtless! wow! we were plaing around, having chicken fights. the usual beach stuff. then we went out and were all talking and having fun. then the couples kinda started branching off. poor ian. just kidding he did make friends with a couple random girls at the beach- so he was fine.

me and joshua went to our favorite spot since we were in like 7th grade. weve been coming down here- all of us- since we were so young. wed all have our families there, having group picnics and bike riding around on our little pink and blue bikes. hardly the same anymore. now all our parents were at some charity event- or maybe even court. ahh. but anyways our favorite place...theres this little peninsula type thing that sticks out into the water. its all rocky- but if u go all the way, far down- theres this patch of sand and grass and the water knocks up against ur feet. we used to always go back there and dangle our feet in and talk for hours. whats old is new again.

he sat and did his little "pat his leg" move ,iresistable. so i went over and strattled him- and looked into his eyes. gorgeous eyes, i should say. rite then hes like "wow u have gorgeous eyes, i forgot they were this pretty" and im like omg ur adorable- plus was freeky b.c i was thinking the same thing about him. but anyways then we talked for ever. more about his family, about mine. about school and how wierd it is that just yesterday we were studying our times tables in this spot and now were taking SATs and doing college shit. how in this spot we were asking eachother what "69" was and now wed done it. how wed discuss what we heard "drugs" meant and now 1/2 our friends were doing it.

things changed, wow.

then the waves were crashing up against us and mist was falling on us. it was getting chilly. i cuddled up close, and his muscular body was touching mine. felt so nice to just be out here, alone, quite, with out a care in the world. i looked up at him and we kissed. the most amaazing kiss in a while. the scene, the smell of the ocean, the cold sand and our warm bodys. and it was just a nice, long kiss. it felt so much better then those crazy makeout sessions. it was comforting. i was gonna cry thinking id have to go back home, into the loud crazy city- after this...

then he layd down and i layed ontop of him looking up at him. then he looked down and kissed me. and we just lay there for a while- listening to the sound of his heartbeat. we wernt saying anything yet the connection was still so strong. finaly he sat up and picked me up, kissed me, and we went back to where our friends werre.

we hungout some more, joking around. then realized we were all starving b.c all wed eaten that day was snowcones we bought at the consesion stand place. so we packed up and went to Ms car. then we went straight to prime girll, still in our bikins and minis and boys wearing no shirts. it was quite hilarious going into a place like that, where epople were sitting there properly, having family dinners. it made it all the more better. we ordered and ate.

then everyone went home.

but i missed joshua. he called- my thoughts exactly. he asked if i wanted to do something. and i told him to come over because only brandon and his new girlfriend(found out her name-lauren. and some stuff about her! finaly) were there and that meant we had the hole house because theyd be locked up in his room all night.

so he came over in his sweats and wifebeater- ahh cant handle him!

we watched a movie- while h.u and stuff ofcorse. but then we both had a craving for chocolate brownie ice cream! YUM. so we went out and bought a pint or 2. went back to my bed, and ate and talked. forever. thats all i wanted to do. just sit there talking to him, looking into his eyes. !forever!. the day was so peaceful, it just wasnt the time to be too crazy. so we layed on my bed all night. talking about anything and everything that came to mind. perfect. i stole his wifebeater and put it on- hes never getting that back. but i guess he did b.c next thing i know hes jumping on the bed waving it around his head.

dont you worry- ill find a way of getting it back. i always do.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

rly good post- rly romantic and sweet