Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Last night was ... you can decide for yourself
Got home from school. Fell straight into my bed. just plunked down and needed to think a second. summers just endin-"Jens mother is hosting the 'welcome back from summer' party tonight. you better be ready 9pm". uch shutup bitch! whats new- mother cutting off my thoughts. ok so your deffintly thinking im sucha bitch right now but lemme tell you about the family backround.
so my dad has money, mother married father. SURPRISE! had us kids. i have 2 brothers. brandon as you know is a senior at my school. then i have a 21year old brother whos off in Brown-Parker .Brandons my best friend. we tell eachother everything but its hard to find time nowadays with all my drama and then he has his own stuff going on. now hes applying to college and going crazy. need to follow in the footsteps. Parker was the backbone of the family for a while when my dad was moving out. but now hes busy and isnt home all that much. my dads the coolest guy ever. hes funny and nice. and my moher the fucken screwup she is, cheated on him. but they want to work threw their problems or something. which i dont see happening. shes just so fake with him and their so fake in public. all these stupid ass charity events that were dragged to - they kiss eachothers neck and grab eachothers asses(fucken EW) and then theyr like ok bye run to the other side of the room and my mom flirts with a millin guys. and theyr ugly, old rich guys! shes sucha slut of a mom. i learn from the best...hardly.
so i was so not in the mood to go to one of these partys! i didnt even know this was happening tonight. so i called dan and maris to see if they were being dragged to this little event thats made for our parents to flaunt their wealth. EW again. thank the lord they were going! so my mom trapses in with an oscar de la rente dress that she shoved in my hands. guess im wearing that. we were being shoved out of the house. got there ontime- thats a freekin first, if its somewhere i needa go its like its fine u can be late! but my parents need to look all good so we had to be picked up in the limo by my dad so we can all arive "as a family".
my parents go in running into all these other parents arms being all like 'kiss kiss' omg you look amazing!, this place is beutiful! omg me and brandom shuffled behind not to be seen with them. i love how i havnt seen my dad all summer and this is our reunion- some event! okt he lpace was gorgeous- it was at the plaza. jens parents are crazy like that. i was scouting poeple out. seeing who the hells there. D and M arent anywhere to be seen. but i see Jake and Judah across the room- few. so i walked over- they looked all handsome being dressed up in their nice ass prada, gucci suits. havnt seen them like this in months, even tho i fucken hate these events, im not gonna lie i kind of missed them over the summer. judah was like breathing down my neck, which is the usual. just need jen to get here to he can get the hell off me and shove his tounge down her throat.
finaly like 20-30min later i spot M and D by the bar. thank the lord. this is certainly the time for a drink. on ur way across the room all i heard was "o really? my son just got into harvard law", "omg wonderful, my bulter just broke his knee! what am i gonna do? i have company tomaro", "my daughter got moved down from top honors! can u explain me whats going on? we bought the 3rd wing of the school". throw up coming on!
reach the bar- finaly. we are not quite the happiest bunch at this point. first day of school and then we go right to this. ahh! marissa was saying about her fucked up family coming late b.c her mom blew a shitfit about what to wear to impress the divorcee! and ew parents are being all fake- pissing the hell out of me! danny was pissed that connor was h.u with other poeple and so was she- needs comitment. im so confused at this point.
jen comes to us and she tells us theres kids hanging out upstairs- in this other party room. then she told us her mom got these hotel rooms for us and our friends. saweet that should brighten up this party.
so we went upstairs and walk in and theres alredy like 70kids there! everyone was there! holy shit did not realize there would be this hole party for us here. so that was awosme. we were drinking nd dancing. it was amazing already. i need this all year. i cant take real life after these kind of things. so we were all on the dance floor- all our friends. judah had all his hott ass friends from the summer there. wow. so anyways at this point were all damb drunk and judahs like guys lets all go to another room. so we stumble into some hotel room.
then i dont even know whos briliant idea this was but someone suggest spin the bottle. so 2min later we all take off our dresses, guys shirts n stuff. i dont know how this happened but i somehow h.u with judah and like 2 of his friends. then i felt someone grab me and i turned around and it was joshua. hes like "calm down, calm down." and he brought me into another room and hes like "do u no wut u just did? u no what ur doing?" and i was just like yea yea. then he was looking hotter then ever- dont know if i was drunk of he just was. so i started unbuttoning his shirt and laying with his hair and jumping on him. and he was kinda pushing me off. what the fuck? so i was like stop! what r u doing? and hes all "ur really drunk right now! i wanna make sure u no what ur doing" and i said i did. and he put me in bed and i got out and jumped on him. then he was like ok let sit and talk. so we go into the bed and i couldnt stop like licking him! i dont no wut i was doing. but he was like ok stop. u cant drink if this is how u r! u needa know what ur doing u cant just do stupid things. and he was being loud and scaring me, prob b.c i wasnt thinking straight. so i started crying. a lot.
so he was stroking me and saying he wasnt being mean he just doesnt want me doing stupid things, and hes protecting me. YUM. so then we were talking and cuddling and i was sobbering up, telling him how stupid all these h.us were and theyr so pointless and dont mean anything to me. then we talkde a lot and somewhere in the conv i jumped on him again- b.c OMG what a turn on! then we h.u for...ever? and perhaps did more...! how could i not?
then soeone knocked on the door- so we quick got dressed and opened the door. it was danny- we were all gonnna go back to marenellis. so we left- avoided parents on the way out. i highly doubt they would notice.
so we get to marenellis and we were all just chill and hanging out. Ian was being so wierd, and out of it and not himself. so were like wtf is up with u? and everyones like hes fucken stoned! marenelli gave him pot! it was so fucken annoying! wtvr usualy its like do what u wanna do but ian is totaly against it, hes always yelling at me and everyelse that we cant do it! its so stupid.! hypocryte. so we were yelling at him. but then he kinda crashed on us and just went to sleep in the other room. ill talk to him about it later.
we watched a movie and some couples were h.u, was cute. then we were like ok its 3:00 should we leave? we have school tomarrow? nah! we might as well just sleep here at this point. so me and joshua went into his brothers room. and were just fooling around and shit. then we talked forever. and then someone came in and yelled "its time for school already" wow wake-up call #2 of junior year

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