Saturday, September 22, 2007


yom kippur: fast day for jews. dont eat, dont wear leather shoes, pray in synagogue. day of atonment, repentance and all.

so it was yom kippur this weekend.
my family doesnt really keep all the things we are supposed to. so we dont always go to synagogue. depends where i am or whos going or if im in the mood. my mom- the one person who needs to say sorry the most- didnt go. usual. and i doubt my father went. maybe for some of it, i didnt really talk to him yet so i dont know. he said hes taking me and my brother to a broadway show and dinner sometime this week to reunite after the summer and find out how it went- im looking foward to that, he better stick to it and not decide he has work or something.
apprently brandon has some new girlfriend from my school, ive seen her around but dont really know her well. she was by my house for yom kippur. so they went to synagogue for some of it-a lot of seniors were there, i dont know how many were actually praying but wtvr. i didnt really wanna be home, sometimes brings out the worst in me and if im praying and atoning for my sins that day, i didnt wanna be fighting with my mom and all that. so like a minute before i took a shower, packed and decided id go to Ms house. so we went to synagogue that night and the next day also- we thought we should since this year we havnt exactly been angels. our friends were there, none of them were staying in to pray tho, they just came to show off their new clothes and flirt with guys. thats prettyy much what it always turns into, an excuse to socialize- which is kinda sad.and all the parents dont really say anything ,or know whats flying they just come to make an appearence and show off their new diamonds and clothes. soem of the guys our age were in there, for some of it. but we wanted to stay in for most, so we did and wtvr we ddint say- we didnt say but its the thought that counts. then during the brake (b/w one 4hour prayer and the next) we all went to marenellis apartment and hung out and talked. nothing too major.
by the end of the day, we hadnt eaten and the fast was over at like 8. so since 1/2 our familys didnt fast, or do anything really. we just decided to break our fasts on sushi. and perhaps some alchol. we were all kinda stresed and there were all these rich families eating out at the sushi place and none of us were in the mood for that scene. so we bounced. we all went back to marenellis, turns out he has the key to his parents liquor cabinet. so we poped some bottles out, all changed into his sweats/boxers/Pjs/ big shirts. and just sprawled out on his floor and talked and drank. and im sorry god if thats not what ur "supposed" to do. but its a hard life ok? it felt good to just let go after all that. but when you dont eat a whole day and then eat one roll of sushi and drink a bottle of crystal- its not exactly the best idea. so 1/2 the people kinda just passed our after a while. and those who didnt- stayed up talking and watched zoolander, until the rest of us passed out.
someone started stepping on my back and i woke up. looked at the clock. it was 1:00 the next day.sunday.

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