Tuesday, September 18, 2007


so heres the people who i hangout with and a little about them
  • Marissa- shes siriously like my sister. weve been best friends forever. love her
  • Danielle- but i dont call her that. call her danny or dan or something. shes also been my bff for life. love her2
  • Jen- she kinda trys to hard with the hole makeup and hair thing. shes obsesed with her money. shes friends with us and all but she can get rly annoying! she flirts with everyone, even the guys who are taken- its wierd. the guys find it really anoying.
  • Tara- shes been best friends with Jen forever so she kinda was just pulled into the crowd kinda thing. she kinda tags along. not an out there type person.
  • Rebecca- shes really pretty but shes not out there at all so shes not quite noticed.
  • Holly- shes cute and fun. but she doesnt really party so much or do any of that kinda thing .so we dont hang out too much outside of school. shes a good friend, but shes not really friends with our guy friends so its hard to hangout with her a lot.
  • Joshua- is my guy! hes kinda skaterboyish and reallly funny and chill. hes insanly hotttt and i want him/ get him/ love him
  • Jake- Marissas on and off again boyfriend. hes really cool were all good friends. hes hottt
  • Judah- hes the pimp. he plays jen all the time. uses girls for ass. that stuff.
  • Connor- Hes with Danny. theyr cute together. hes cool, we love him.
  • Ian- hes fucken hilarious. he had a thing with holly but hates her now- kinda awkward. can always cheer people up! hes just so godam funnny.
  • Joe Maraneli (noone calls him jow- its Mareneli and thats alL!)- his parents are like NEVER home, ever. so whenever you need a place to run away to or have a party- we go straight to him. kinda a pothead tho. but i love him. hes awsome.
  • Mike- Hes kinda friends with my guy friends so he gets dragged in sometimes. we hangout. huge pothead. and he hits on everyone.

Theres also these bitches in school that we all fucken hate! theyrs so anoying!Consists of: Adina(whos going out with this guy John who comes to all these partys without her and hits on everyone- wierd), pamela, ariella, zhoff.

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