Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hamptons 101

so we played all the classic car games, talked, and slept- we were all pretty dam tiered from this week . its been long!
then we got there and dropped the guys off at Js house. and then me d and m went to Ms.! her parents werent coming up until the next morning. so wthe boys called and we told them to come over wenever.
so that night the boys came and we were hanging by the pool. so ofcorse- knwoing them- they double teamed us and threw all 3 of us in the pool. in our clothes. but im not gonna lie- i was kinda happy, b/c the weather was awsome and the pools gorgous. then we were swimming around being like "the waters amazing!" so they just jumped in. there was a bar outside so we cracked the code and stole all the alchol. haha i dont understand why our parents havent realized they needa lock these things up better with us around. so we drank and jumped back in the pool! (smart i know). and then our clothes were weighing us down- so they just kinda came off. and most of us just skinny dipped. felt amazngly free. plus no1 cared , alchol in our system- didnt realize. and were all so close, i think wev prob all seen eachother naked. well now we have anyway.
we got outa the pool eventualy and light a fire in the fire pit. and it was soo nice. we roasted marshmellows and ordered sushi. all collapsed on lounge chairs into our loves arms and just kinda drifted into sleep.
"we leave u alone for one night, and this is what we come home to?" Ms moms high pitched voice bursted in from across the lawn


sukkot: jewish holiday when you build huts outside. sit in them to eat. a good excuse for vacations.

anyway sukkot vacation was almost here and i had no clue wtf to do. i sure as hell didnt want to go down to florida with my family. and my brother was going with his girlfriend somewhere. which left me to fend for myself. so obviously i called M and D to see what they were up to. turns out they werent exactly psyced to be with their familys either. so M said me and D should come to her house in the hamptons. everyone who lives around here has houses in the hamptons. even if you dont want one there- you kinda just needa get one so you`ll be in with it. pathetic? very.
anyways it sounded good, way better then anything i had planned so far (which was nothing). so we had a day off from school before the holiday started so we were gonna drive up later that night- around 8 or 9.
so my family had already left for florida so it was nice and quiet. i slept late, took a long bubble bath. realxed. finaly. turning out to be a pretty good vaca afterall. perfect relaxing day, and whats one thing a perfect relaxing day cant be complete without? shopping. so i went to the usual stores and looked around. ended up buying a shitload of stuff. i dont even know why, but it looked good- and its vacation. so i went home and plopped on my bed- all the shoppping had pooped me out. next thing i know my phones vibrating and i look and its already 7:00! shit so much to do! so i ran outside b.c i needed mani-pedi for the holiday! so i quick got one, ran home. jumped in the shower- shoved my hole closet into a bag. called M back (was the that called at 7) and she said shes picking me up in 5. so i went downstairs and grabbed coffee and then by that time- she was there. nice. jump in the car- Ds already there...and other people are also. there was jake and joshua and connor and ian! im like wtf are u doing here? and turns out last minute there going to joshuas house in the hamptons- which is close to Ms so yay. they also told me that rebecca, marenelli and few other people are going also just there wasnt rooom in the car so their driving up with jen.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

saturday night live

saturday night.
my mothers not home. remember that? yea! so me and brandon decided were throwing partys this week, having how ever many poeple wanna come over whenever. we could fuck up the house, my mom knows were home and i dont really care if she knows whats going on, shes doesnt really give 2 shits i dont think.
so over the weekend we told people to come saturday night. he told the seniors that hes friends with, and i told the juniors. so my brother told me i was in charge on the alcohol- best job, no? so i right away knew who to call.
marenelli came over and we went to a liquor store near me, he had his fake ID, which is really good one. so we got it and picked up some food and stuff. then we went back to my place. and i got dressed. it was more of a chill party, so i wasnt dressed to impress really. just basic hardtail pants and this new tank i bought. it was around 10 something and people started coming. first time it was all my brothers friends, like all them. so i was hanging with them, waiting for my friends to come. and then another knock and theres a shitload of guys i have never seen. i recognized one tho- my brothers friend from the football team. he must have brought all his friends from another school. they were all already drunk, it seemed like. then all my friends started coming and it was awsome. we drank some, people were smoking all sorts of things also. i must have got offered stuff about 100x. all the seniors were cracked out. then people blasted music and we all started dancing and going crazy. it was really fun but after a while i was crazy tired. i wanted to shower so bad but people were practicly fucking in every bathroom. wow walked in a few odd couples. jen, football teams friend(s). ew my brother and his lauren-EW fucken ew! i was dieing. got the hell outa there. and then wen i went back in it was like fuck central. like everywhere u looked people were doing- alot. everywhere u went people were like trying to stick their tounges down ur throught. it was getting g-ross! so i went into my room to change- b.c i was sweaty. people were in my room already tho- so that didnt work out either. so i was walking to my brothers room to steal a shirt or something when guess who i bumped into? JOSHUA. wootwoo. so people were crashing everywhere and im like ok we gotta get outa here.! so i went to the kitched and got the key to my moms room (she thinks i dont know where she hides it! under the phone book, no shit sherlock holmes!). and i took him and went into her room. ew i felt gross at this point so we jumped into the jacuzzi and took the sickest bubble bath of my life. poped open the champagne and drank and talked and...yno. then we were done with the bath and i jumped out and took his wifebeater-haha my plan has worked! he chased me to the bed and we wrestled..naked. oo la la. then he pinned me down and im like "lets do it" and hes like what? really? u siriously wanna? and im like fuckk yea! so i went to my moms bathroom and got a condom. and i pinned him down- ah the tides have turnde. and hes like "no i wanna wait till were sober" and im like ahh fine good point. so we went back into the bath for like an hour and then he picked me up and to the bed we went. i put the condom on him and he grabbed me tight. and it was our wrestling just gone sexier. omg my favorite! aggression.! i just realized that my mom had fucked dudes in that bed... o well add this to the list.

back to that. we did it! finaly! i mean we hadnt been rushing to it, but im a junior i think its ok. for all those speaches my dad, mom, teachers and brothers have given me- it was finaly here. and it hurt at first. but then we did it again and it was amazing. and i loved him more then ever. and then after we were done and i was just lieing on him he whispered in my ear "i love you" and he kissed me. and i said "i love u more" and he said he doubted that. but i dont, but we called it a tie. i wanted to do it a million times, he was jut that amazing. but instead he reached down and got his wifebeater and he put it on me. and we fell asleep like that.

a phone vibrated near me and joshua picked it up. ahh a new morning

beach bums

ahh a new day.

it was gorgeous weather and we all wanted to do something fun. so we decided perfect day for the beach! i hadnt gone to a local beach, with my home friends, all summer. so put on our bathing suits and minis and went! we went to Ms house and her driver took us. it was me and my love joshua, marissa and her love jake, dan and her love connor and then ian! haha wuta loner. it was really fun tho. we were joking around in the car and just enjoying eachother- its been wierd not having this all summer. im so used to those long drivees up to the beach, sleeping there, smoking there- just chilling. and i hadnt dont this in like a yeaR! so it felt really good to be out there with them.

when we got there we went straight into the water. for the special occasion we all ofcorse worre our most sexiest bikinis- and lemme tell you ,the guys didnt look too bad either. we thought they were hot in their little prepster outfits- but you havnt seen anything until you see them spawled across the hot sand with their tan bodys...shirtless! wow! we were plaing around, having chicken fights. the usual beach stuff. then we went out and were all talking and having fun. then the couples kinda started branching off. poor ian. just kidding he did make friends with a couple random girls at the beach- so he was fine.

me and joshua went to our favorite spot since we were in like 7th grade. weve been coming down here- all of us- since we were so young. wed all have our families there, having group picnics and bike riding around on our little pink and blue bikes. hardly the same anymore. now all our parents were at some charity event- or maybe even court. ahh. but anyways our favorite place...theres this little peninsula type thing that sticks out into the water. its all rocky- but if u go all the way, far down- theres this patch of sand and grass and the water knocks up against ur feet. we used to always go back there and dangle our feet in and talk for hours. whats old is new again.

he sat and did his little "pat his leg" move ,iresistable. so i went over and strattled him- and looked into his eyes. gorgeous eyes, i should say. rite then hes like "wow u have gorgeous eyes, i forgot they were this pretty" and im like omg ur adorable- plus was freeky b.c i was thinking the same thing about him. but anyways then we talked for ever. more about his family, about mine. about school and how wierd it is that just yesterday we were studying our times tables in this spot and now were taking SATs and doing college shit. how in this spot we were asking eachother what "69" was and now wed done it. how wed discuss what we heard "drugs" meant and now 1/2 our friends were doing it.

things changed, wow.

then the waves were crashing up against us and mist was falling on us. it was getting chilly. i cuddled up close, and his muscular body was touching mine. felt so nice to just be out here, alone, quite, with out a care in the world. i looked up at him and we kissed. the most amaazing kiss in a while. the scene, the smell of the ocean, the cold sand and our warm bodys. and it was just a nice, long kiss. it felt so much better then those crazy makeout sessions. it was comforting. i was gonna cry thinking id have to go back home, into the loud crazy city- after this...

then he layd down and i layed ontop of him looking up at him. then he looked down and kissed me. and we just lay there for a while- listening to the sound of his heartbeat. we wernt saying anything yet the connection was still so strong. finaly he sat up and picked me up, kissed me, and we went back to where our friends werre.

we hungout some more, joking around. then realized we were all starving b.c all wed eaten that day was snowcones we bought at the consesion stand place. so we packed up and went to Ms car. then we went straight to prime girll, still in our bikins and minis and boys wearing no shirts. it was quite hilarious going into a place like that, where epople were sitting there properly, having family dinners. it made it all the more better. we ordered and ate.

then everyone went home.

but i missed joshua. he called- my thoughts exactly. he asked if i wanted to do something. and i told him to come over because only brandon and his new girlfriend(found out her name-lauren. and some stuff about her! finaly) were there and that meant we had the hole house because theyd be locked up in his room all night.

so he came over in his sweats and wifebeater- ahh cant handle him!

we watched a movie- while h.u and stuff ofcorse. but then we both had a craving for chocolate brownie ice cream! YUM. so we went out and bought a pint or 2. went back to my bed, and ate and talked. forever. thats all i wanted to do. just sit there talking to him, looking into his eyes. !forever!. the day was so peaceful, it just wasnt the time to be too crazy. so we layed on my bed all night. talking about anything and everything that came to mind. perfect. i stole his wifebeater and put it on- hes never getting that back. but i guess he did b.c next thing i know hes jumping on the bed waving it around his head.

dont you worry- ill find a way of getting it back. i always do.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


yom kippur: fast day for jews. dont eat, dont wear leather shoes, pray in synagogue. day of atonment, repentance and all.

so it was yom kippur this weekend.
my family doesnt really keep all the things we are supposed to. so we dont always go to synagogue. depends where i am or whos going or if im in the mood. my mom- the one person who needs to say sorry the most- didnt go. usual. and i doubt my father went. maybe for some of it, i didnt really talk to him yet so i dont know. he said hes taking me and my brother to a broadway show and dinner sometime this week to reunite after the summer and find out how it went- im looking foward to that, he better stick to it and not decide he has work or something.
apprently brandon has some new girlfriend from my school, ive seen her around but dont really know her well. she was by my house for yom kippur. so they went to synagogue for some of it-a lot of seniors were there, i dont know how many were actually praying but wtvr. i didnt really wanna be home, sometimes brings out the worst in me and if im praying and atoning for my sins that day, i didnt wanna be fighting with my mom and all that. so like a minute before i took a shower, packed and decided id go to Ms house. so we went to synagogue that night and the next day also- we thought we should since this year we havnt exactly been angels. our friends were there, none of them were staying in to pray tho, they just came to show off their new clothes and flirt with guys. thats prettyy much what it always turns into, an excuse to socialize- which is kinda sad.and all the parents dont really say anything ,or know whats flying they just come to make an appearence and show off their new diamonds and clothes. soem of the guys our age were in there, for some of it. but we wanted to stay in for most, so we did and wtvr we ddint say- we didnt say but its the thought that counts. then during the brake (b/w one 4hour prayer and the next) we all went to marenellis apartment and hung out and talked. nothing too major.
by the end of the day, we hadnt eaten and the fast was over at like 8. so since 1/2 our familys didnt fast, or do anything really. we just decided to break our fasts on sushi. and perhaps some alchol. we were all kinda stresed and there were all these rich families eating out at the sushi place and none of us were in the mood for that scene. so we bounced. we all went back to marenellis, turns out he has the key to his parents liquor cabinet. so we poped some bottles out, all changed into his sweats/boxers/Pjs/ big shirts. and just sprawled out on his floor and talked and drank. and im sorry god if thats not what ur "supposed" to do. but its a hard life ok? it felt good to just let go after all that. but when you dont eat a whole day and then eat one roll of sushi and drink a bottle of crystal- its not exactly the best idea. so 1/2 the people kinda just passed our after a while. and those who didnt- stayed up talking and watched zoolander, until the rest of us passed out.
someone started stepping on my back and i woke up. looked at the clock. it was 1:00 the next day.sunday.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

bitchier n ditchier

another day. holy fuck.
well i woke u and saw my dad for the 2nd time since before the summer. and he was in middle of some fight with my mother. why dont they accept it that theyr never getting back together? theyr the worst couple ever ,i cant stand it much longer. i was about to fucken blow up in their faces but i was in too much of a rush. so i go dressed and went with D to pick up M.
we got to school ontime for the first time in quite sometime. so we went to the dome- where evryone goes in the time before bells and talks. so me D M I M J J and some poeple were talking. and jen comes up and shes like "oo guys i heard some shit you did in france. taking after the parents are we? haahha" WTF. is that funny at all? so since im never in a rush when it comes to school- i blew up. i was like "who the fuck do you think you are? you stupid bitch! go suck judahs dick again! or some other guys! everyone uses u for play anyways you fucken ass". and i stormed away. i ran to the bathroom to cry. that was just not the time for her to say something like that. i get that my parents are fucked up. and for her to stoop that low ,and Ms parents also. and believe me -theres enough rumors going around about us an france as it is. i heard like 100people saying the stupidest shit ever. poeples lives are just so pathetic that they need to make up shit about other poeple. so M and Joshua came and found me in the bathroom (yea i know girls bathrooom- o well) and they were making me feel better and said we could ditch 4th and go to the park. so nothing cheers me up like having something to look foward to.
so finally after sleeping and texting threw 3 piriods- i met up with M joshua danny jake connor ian and marenelli. (jen was sure as hell not coming! saw her in the hall few times and death stared her. shell come crawling back to say sorry b.c she knows im having partys next week- o yea aobu tthat- my moms going to some island with "someone" so me and brandon get the house to ourselves! can you say houseparty?). so we walked to the park and someone brought hookahs so we did some hookah and we were hanging out. some poeople went off to do their own thing. talking and all. and i really wanted to talk with joshua. but i was dieing to talk to ian for a little. so i asked ian if we could talk and we walked to a bench and talked. i was yelling at him saying why does he say we cant do weed and is always soo against it, pushing so hard for everyone not to do it and then does it so suddenly? -he was stoned right then! sucha piss off. then all he could answer was "double standards. gils shouldnt do it, its just bad looking for them. noone cares if guys do it" then i was saying how its sucha stupid time for him to start this habbit. he needs to get into college and he has everything going for him, being captain of water polo he can get in on scholarship. hes brilliant an funny and cool and when hes stoned hes anoying. he kinda understood but he was pissing me off and frusterating me and i didnt need that. so i said wed finish this some other time when hes not stoned.
i went back to where people were smoking and sat down. then joshua looked at me and patted is lap- all come hither. ooo sexy. so i went over. we were smoking and shottying and then we h.u and he picked me up and brought me over to this bench place. we were sitting(intertwined) and hes like- i wanna take u out somewhere nice. and i agreed. but i dont know. i really cant imagine just being with someone right now. i love joshua. LOVE him. but i cant do that hole deal now. its too much. i cant be watching everythng i do . this is top party year- and next year. i dont know where this is going- but well just go with the flow. then we talked and only had like 15min left so went back to where everyone was sitting. and i told them about my mom leaving the house to me and my brother so houseparty- dont plan anything else next week. im so excited.
then went back to school. and the guys went back into class b.c they had some meeting with there athletic department things. so me and the girls decided we needed some sirious shoping. so we headed straight to the stores. back to the good old times. just endless shopping at barneys, bringing the hole store into the dressing room , getting everyones opinions on what we had on. so got a lott of stuff for fall and winter. and got some dresses for these dances and events coming up. also gt some miniskirts ,shorts and jeens and stuff like that for school and party next week. and if theirs a party- theres one thing i cant leave the store without. HOT bras and thongs. so im set for that. plus my moms gonna bring home shitload of stuff from where ever she is- because she thinks the stuff will fit her and then she realizes shes not a teenager and gives them to me.
anywho went back to school. then last piriod went to Ms house and her mom was being fucked up and all so we bounced to the met steps. talked a lot. about everything. how we dont know what to do with our guy situation. its fun to have a guy there for you, someone you love (hence joshua!) but its fun to flirt with the rnaodm guys and go to marenellis house when your balling ur eyes out and have him just snuggle with you and get you into pajamas and comfort you. itd just never be the same. we were talking about that time we were out in the rain with marenelli and we were all soaked and dirty and gross and just went into his house and striped and jumped into his parnts jacuzzi and drank our hearts out. stuff like that would never be able to hapen- even if it just friends. itd b soo different.
then i went home afterwards. and jen called me spewing about how shes sorry. i could hear rebecca in the backround feeding her some lines. wtf. i was in middle of yelling at jen and in comes my mom. she started emptying out all my closets and dumping al my clothes on the floor. im like wtf are u doing. shes like "jordana darling. please dont be difficult! i need summer things for my trip" im like "ok no! im in middle of something get out now!" then she said shes not letting me have the house next week when shes gone unless i let her take my stuff and all. so i shutu nd stormed out of there. grabbed my toothbrush and left. i met brandon on my way out of the building. i told him im going to sleep out. he was with some girl, so i didnt really wanna give him details and freek the shit outa her. so i called joshua and he said to come to his place. so i jumped in a cab.
got to his house and we went to his room. and i cryed in his arms for like an hour. omg wtfs wrong with me! ive cryed more in the past few days then, ever! the finally i was all cryed out and we went to his hot tub. i didnt exactly pack for a whole 2year trip here so bra and underwear had to do. then we got in and guess what? we started h.u surprise. then his brother walked in. hes prob like 18 or 19. so awkward. but he didnt even look at us wierd or anything. hes like u guys wanna drink or something? and i was about to say yes but then me and joshua made eye contact and he had that hole "we dont need drinks to have fun" look. so we just said no and he left. so wierd we never really hangout at his apartment tho. its gorgeous. but enough about that- we we were hookingup. then he undid my bra and off that came. it was so agressive and hott. we were like grabbing eacthoer and omg thats my favorite kind of h.u sesion! and then off came our bottoms and he did the handjob, finger thing. omg amazing. so hot in the water. so then he got towels and we went to the shower and showered -together ofcorse. and then dryed off and i wore one of his shirts. we went to his bed -which is amazing! comfortable! so wierd that all this time together weve done so much shit in other peoples beds, but never his! first time for everything...
then we started talking. and i asked about his family b.c his brother came in before and ive never seen anyone from his family. so he told me so much. weve spoken about this before but not in some time and i guess a lot happened or maybe he just could finally tell me this stuff? he said his dad abused his mom and hes like alcholic. but hes in rehab now. it was so sad. whats hapned to this world? i havent splet in forever so i must have just fell asleep on him. because next thing i know i felt him kiss me and i opened my eyes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Last night was ... you can decide for yourself
Got home from school. Fell straight into my bed. just plunked down and needed to think a second. summers just endin-"Jens mother is hosting the 'welcome back from summer' party tonight. you better be ready 9pm". uch shutup bitch! whats new- mother cutting off my thoughts. ok so your deffintly thinking im sucha bitch right now but lemme tell you about the family backround.
so my dad has money, mother married father. SURPRISE! had us kids. i have 2 brothers. brandon as you know is a senior at my school. then i have a 21year old brother whos off in Brown-Parker .Brandons my best friend. we tell eachother everything but its hard to find time nowadays with all my drama and then he has his own stuff going on. now hes applying to college and going crazy. need to follow in the footsteps. Parker was the backbone of the family for a while when my dad was moving out. but now hes busy and isnt home all that much. my dads the coolest guy ever. hes funny and nice. and my moher the fucken screwup she is, cheated on him. but they want to work threw their problems or something. which i dont see happening. shes just so fake with him and their so fake in public. all these stupid ass charity events that were dragged to - they kiss eachothers neck and grab eachothers asses(fucken EW) and then theyr like ok bye run to the other side of the room and my mom flirts with a millin guys. and theyr ugly, old rich guys! shes sucha slut of a mom. i learn from the best...hardly.
so i was so not in the mood to go to one of these partys! i didnt even know this was happening tonight. so i called dan and maris to see if they were being dragged to this little event thats made for our parents to flaunt their wealth. EW again. thank the lord they were going! so my mom trapses in with an oscar de la rente dress that she shoved in my hands. guess im wearing that. we were being shoved out of the house. got there ontime- thats a freekin first, if its somewhere i needa go its like its fine u can be late! but my parents need to look all good so we had to be picked up in the limo by my dad so we can all arive "as a family".
my parents go in running into all these other parents arms being all like 'kiss kiss' omg you look amazing!, this place is beutiful! omg me and brandom shuffled behind not to be seen with them. i love how i havnt seen my dad all summer and this is our reunion- some event! okt he lpace was gorgeous- it was at the plaza. jens parents are crazy like that. i was scouting poeple out. seeing who the hells there. D and M arent anywhere to be seen. but i see Jake and Judah across the room- few. so i walked over- they looked all handsome being dressed up in their nice ass prada, gucci suits. havnt seen them like this in months, even tho i fucken hate these events, im not gonna lie i kind of missed them over the summer. judah was like breathing down my neck, which is the usual. just need jen to get here to he can get the hell off me and shove his tounge down her throat.
finaly like 20-30min later i spot M and D by the bar. thank the lord. this is certainly the time for a drink. on ur way across the room all i heard was "o really? my son just got into harvard law", "omg wonderful, my bulter just broke his knee! what am i gonna do? i have company tomaro", "my daughter got moved down from top honors! can u explain me whats going on? we bought the 3rd wing of the school". throw up coming on!
reach the bar- finaly. we are not quite the happiest bunch at this point. first day of school and then we go right to this. ahh! marissa was saying about her fucked up family coming late b.c her mom blew a shitfit about what to wear to impress the divorcee! and ew parents are being all fake- pissing the hell out of me! danny was pissed that connor was h.u with other poeple and so was she- needs comitment. im so confused at this point.
jen comes to us and she tells us theres kids hanging out upstairs- in this other party room. then she told us her mom got these hotel rooms for us and our friends. saweet that should brighten up this party.
so we went upstairs and walk in and theres alredy like 70kids there! everyone was there! holy shit did not realize there would be this hole party for us here. so that was awosme. we were drinking nd dancing. it was amazing already. i need this all year. i cant take real life after these kind of things. so we were all on the dance floor- all our friends. judah had all his hott ass friends from the summer there. wow. so anyways at this point were all damb drunk and judahs like guys lets all go to another room. so we stumble into some hotel room.
then i dont even know whos briliant idea this was but someone suggest spin the bottle. so 2min later we all take off our dresses, guys shirts n stuff. i dont know how this happened but i somehow h.u with judah and like 2 of his friends. then i felt someone grab me and i turned around and it was joshua. hes like "calm down, calm down." and he brought me into another room and hes like "do u no wut u just did? u no what ur doing?" and i was just like yea yea. then he was looking hotter then ever- dont know if i was drunk of he just was. so i started unbuttoning his shirt and laying with his hair and jumping on him. and he was kinda pushing me off. what the fuck? so i was like stop! what r u doing? and hes all "ur really drunk right now! i wanna make sure u no what ur doing" and i said i did. and he put me in bed and i got out and jumped on him. then he was like ok let sit and talk. so we go into the bed and i couldnt stop like licking him! i dont no wut i was doing. but he was like ok stop. u cant drink if this is how u r! u needa know what ur doing u cant just do stupid things. and he was being loud and scaring me, prob b.c i wasnt thinking straight. so i started crying. a lot.
so he was stroking me and saying he wasnt being mean he just doesnt want me doing stupid things, and hes protecting me. YUM. so then we were talking and cuddling and i was sobbering up, telling him how stupid all these were and theyr so pointless and dont mean anything to me. then we talkde a lot and somewhere in the conv i jumped on him again- b.c OMG what a turn on! then we h.u for...ever? and perhaps did more...! how could i not?
then soeone knocked on the door- so we quick got dressed and opened the door. it was danny- we were all gonnna go back to marenellis. so we left- avoided parents on the way out. i highly doubt they would notice.
so we get to marenellis and we were all just chill and hanging out. Ian was being so wierd, and out of it and not himself. so were like wtf is up with u? and everyones like hes fucken stoned! marenelli gave him pot! it was so fucken annoying! wtvr usualy its like do what u wanna do but ian is totaly against it, hes always yelling at me and everyelse that we cant do it! its so stupid.! hypocryte. so we were yelling at him. but then he kinda crashed on us and just went to sleep in the other room. ill talk to him about it later.
we watched a movie and some couples were h.u, was cute. then we were like ok its 3:00 should we leave? we have school tomarrow? nah! we might as well just sleep here at this point. so me and joshua went into his brothers room. and were just fooling around and shit. then we talked forever. and then someone came in and yelled "its time for school already" wow wake-up call #2 of junior year


so heres the people who i hangout with and a little about them
  • Marissa- shes siriously like my sister. weve been best friends forever. love her
  • Danielle- but i dont call her that. call her danny or dan or something. shes also been my bff for life. love her2
  • Jen- she kinda trys to hard with the hole makeup and hair thing. shes obsesed with her money. shes friends with us and all but she can get rly annoying! she flirts with everyone, even the guys who are taken- its wierd. the guys find it really anoying.
  • Tara- shes been best friends with Jen forever so she kinda was just pulled into the crowd kinda thing. she kinda tags along. not an out there type person.
  • Rebecca- shes really pretty but shes not out there at all so shes not quite noticed.
  • Holly- shes cute and fun. but she doesnt really party so much or do any of that kinda thing .so we dont hang out too much outside of school. shes a good friend, but shes not really friends with our guy friends so its hard to hangout with her a lot.
  • Joshua- is my guy! hes kinda skaterboyish and reallly funny and chill. hes insanly hotttt and i want him/ get him/ love him
  • Jake- Marissas on and off again boyfriend. hes really cool were all good friends. hes hottt
  • Judah- hes the pimp. he plays jen all the time. uses girls for ass. that stuff.
  • Connor- Hes with Danny. theyr cute together. hes cool, we love him.
  • Ian- hes fucken hilarious. he had a thing with holly but hates her now- kinda awkward. can always cheer people up! hes just so godam funnny.
  • Joe Maraneli (noone calls him jow- its Mareneli and thats alL!)- his parents are like NEVER home, ever. so whenever you need a place to run away to or have a party- we go straight to him. kinda a pothead tho. but i love him. hes awsome.
  • Mike- Hes kinda friends with my guy friends so he gets dragged in sometimes. we hangout. huge pothead. and he hits on everyone.

Theres also these bitches in school that we all fucken hate! theyrs so anoying!Consists of: Adina(whos going out with this guy John who comes to all these partys without her and hits on everyone- wierd), pamela, ariella, zhoff.

Woodmore Prep; Where it all began

Alarm clock rang at fucken 7:30! i have been going to sleep at 4,5,6 and pulling all nighters all summer and sleeping late! so i pressed snooze like 5 times. finally Brandon(my brother- hes a year older) came in and pushed me off the bed. he was all liike "its ur FIRST day and u cant even wake up on time- 11th grade, step it up" uch shut up!!! hes the only one at my house that pressures me to do good in school. my mom doesnt give a shit slash too busy sleeping with her new old,rich, hag of a lover to care. my dad cares about how i do but its not pressure- he knows i do pretty well on my own and he doesnt live in this house. he lives on the west side, i like him so much better then my mom but lately hes been kinda busy doing who knows what. i actually needa get around to visiting him more. but this summer has been CRAZY. o yea summer....went to france with Danny and Marissa (my best friends ever! more like sisters realy). then her dad took us on a cruise which was beyond fun but it was kinda bitter-sweet b.c we kinda knew he just offered to take us to bribe her w. the divorce. ahh wtvr we did some crazy stuff but thats for another time.
so i finally dragged myself outa bed. when i realized its already 8:05 and danny would be here in like 5sec to pick me up. i jumped in the shower. took like 5min shower. then i needed to get dressed. got dressed quik and heard knock. it was danny already. so out the door. then we went to pick up Marissa (she lives on 72nd and 5th so its near me). so jump in the range rover and off to school. AH. was inot the time for school. went to starbucks and ended up sitting there and talking about everything for like 20min, oops. late on the first day. good impressions.
get our sceduals thank god im in good classes. with marissa, danny, jen, jake, ian and holly. so thats good. ians hilarious so he`ll make joke about it which is always enjoyable.
so we have a good amount of frees. so during one of them joshua texted me that he wants to talk. ok so joshuas this guy that im kinda with, not officialy but its kinda official. as in wer always together and being coupley, but no hardcore comitment. anyway i was kinda nervous b.c i didnt want him to ask about the summer. i kinda wondered if he was hookingup with other girls and all. so he says to meet him by the dome. so i went and it was the first time id seen him in like 2months! WOW he got even hotter over the summer i didnt even know thatd b possible. he was looking so hot and preppy and tan! wow. so i ran into his arms and hugged the shit outa him! then we started walking around and talking. he asked me about my guy situation this summer and i said i had a few random hookups and shit but nothing with anyone i had feelings for. he understood which was beyond relieving. he said it was the same for him. which actully kinda hurt a little because i wanted him to say hhe didnt do anything- but then he started saying how he missed me and was thinking about me all summer. and he grabbed me and kissed me so hard, it was soo cute! i love when he does things like tht. then we went behind the courts and started h/u! best welcome back ever. i missed that guy so much!
anyways then it was lunch so we walked to the cafetiria. most people were already sitting so we went to our usual table.
ahh so wierd how you dont know these people im gonna post it out so u get what the fuck im saying