Monday, October 8, 2007

peace out

my mom came into my room and told me that we were going on some picnic with all the cousins and stuff. nobody wanted to go though so we were al yelling- so they decided theyll just go on a picnic with the parents and all the kids can do wtvr they want that day b.c theyr fed up with our complaining- wow best punishment ive ever gotten. so me brandon andrew and jason got into swimsuits and went to the pool. by the pool there was like tons of kids our age b.c there was some kind of school trip there- and we were making friends with all them. then we hungout there and then played some football and tennis. got a good workout. and tanned.

it was time for the holiday to start soon which meant get all fancy so we could go down for prayer with a bunch of other rich familys and look nice, then have a meal outside, and then do what we want. so i showered, did my hair and put on a nice dress. we all went down and sang and all that stuff. then the meal was just fucked up- all the stupidass cousins, but some cool ones- so we talked and did regular shit. then jason told me and brandon to come to a party that night he was having at his friends penthouse. score.

so i got on a really hot outfit i bought before the holidays and we took ricks car and went off. it was prety close by. we got there and there was like a lotta kids already there- drinking, dancing, smoking...the usual. so i was drinking and i h.u and went to 2nd with this kid james. i didnt even no wtf i was diong or y i did. so stupid and i miss joshua. i needed to tell him. and it was too loud to talk outside and too late! cazy late already. where did the time go? so i looked around for brandon and found him drunk off his ass dancing crazy, found jason h.u with some chick. i was asking if we should go yet (still prety dam drunK)and jasons like yea man my dad called me fliping the shit that we took his car! hes gonna fucken kill us all- literaly. so we were like holy shit and we ran outside and jumped in the car. and we started driving. jason was driving and drunk. holy shit i dunno wut we were thinking ahhh! a cop was like tailing us the hole time. but we had this other kid dave in the car with us b.c we told him wed give him a ride home. so we were like holy shit dave n jason switch places. so he jumped in the drivers seat. but as he did the car crashed into a mailbox. and the car turned around and skidded on the street. soo fukn scary. and the cop stopped and told dave to get outa the car. we were all hiding in the back. so dave got out and the cop gave him a breathalizer test= but he wasnt drinking. so he said he better get home now and not be driving late again. was prety nice. so dave drove the rest of the way and finaly we got to the hotel. and me jason brandon and dave smoked up outside. b/c we were all fucken going crazy. drunk n high together~ not good. we didnt realize wut we were doing so we went into the hotel and my mom and rick were there and they noticed we were drunk n high. and they started fliping out and my mom ws yelling like "why am i the worst parent?! i cant do anything right. now all my kids are fucked up" so emabressing- didnt eevn notice at the time. and rick was like hunny go upstairs ill deal with them. and the took us into a rooom (minus dave-hu had ran to his room by now)and started yelling at us soo loudly and really scary and he was like u guys r fuck ups! ur going with ur mom to AA tomarrow. and ur going there for awhile. and no more partys and u needa check everything by me! ur not being trusted. and brandon was like "ur not even our fucken dad! shutup fuker!" and he got pissed and punched him really hard. and he yelled for what seemed like hours. finally he stormed out and slammed the door. and we were like guys wtf this sux what do we do? and im like yo can we just get the fuck outa here. get on a plane and leave n shit. we all agreed it was the best idea. so we did that and got the fuck outa there. took ricks money he left us, took the car, our luggage and in festivitys of the holiday- got on a plane back to new york! we all kinda just pased out on the plane. got off and were like shit face where do we go? our apartment was locked and we didnt want mom to know we were there. so we got into a cab and there was only once place to g0- dads house. mite be a little awkward for jason- being that he was my dads ex-wifes new almost step kid. but o well. my dad let us in and made us coffee and told us to get showerd. and wen we were done we told him everything. EVERYTHING. and he was so comforting, suggling me into his arms and stroking my hair. like old times. i love him. he was saying we shouldnt do crazy stuff like that, and beyond stupid to get into a car drunk! but he knows our lived are hard and he had a tough childhood and did stupid stuff also. he lost his best friend to drunk driving- and he didnt want us to do anythng like that. ever ever again. and we said we knew it was stupid. and we all just talked forevr. then jason and brandon fell asleep and my dad said he had some work to do. so i went outside to the balcony and called joshua. i didnt realize how scared i was to tell him until i heard his voice. "hey babe! where have u been?" he sounded so happy to hear from me and i just wanted to be with him. "ive been in florida! with the family. beyond fucked up. i needa tell u ...alot.." he said hes in the city now- so he could come over. so he came to my dads house and we went to my room. i told him everything about rick and the cousins and family, and partys and finaly about doing stuf with another guy and what i did that night. and he yelled at me like crazy. it was even scarier then rick- because i actully cared sooo much what he thought. and he yelled that i was so selfish to put myself in that position0 if anything happened to me id let so many people down and hurt so many people. and i knew he was right. he said he cared much more about that then any stupid h.u with another guy. and i started crying hystericly. and all the pressure of everything that was going on in life just fell on me at that moment. and i didnt have alchol or drugs to get me threw it. but i had joshua. and his hugs and kisses on my forehead were the greatest high id gotten in a while. ii just wanted to hold him forever. he comforted me. and we talked more. then we just fell asleep holding eachother.

"yo wake up. were having a meal now. wanna eat?" brandons loud voice screamed threw the open doorway.HELL YES. ahhh food with normal people- its been a while!

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