Monday, October 1, 2007

*back to reality*

so the next few days in the hamptons were great. relaxing, fun filled days. hanging out by the pool. good food. good, long talks with the girls. and guys. it was fun.

then i got a call from my mom. she said i had to fly out to florida for te 2nd days of the holiday. so naturaly i said no. but then she said she was gonna take away all my shit (thats prety much all she has over me and she knows it, so she always plays that card-anoying!). so i had to order a car service and freekin leave. my vacation was so fucken relaxing-not 4 long. so when i got home my brother was there, packing. he said we had ticket for that night at 7. wow once again? no time for anything. so i had already had most things packed from the hamptons so i just shoved a few clean bras and underwear and some fancy dressed in a bag. knowing the family we would probubly be attending some black tie dinner party. fucken ew.

we get to the airport and check our bags, find our gate. on the plane. it was actully really nice. i realized i hadnt been with brandon -just us 2- in a long while. we talked alot, first he told me my parents split was offical- divorce and all. i guess a lot can happen while ur gone. bitter-sweet sadly enough, b/c 1)why wasnt i informed earlier? parents care 2 call or maybe leave a post-it "hey by the by, were divorced"? i dunnno i guess not. 2)finaly! it was kinda releaving. knowing their relationship status. and not having them needa be fake in public and realize this family isnt like woohoo were all lovers.

then he was telling me about lauren ,his gf. and asking about all my boy drama. and it was nice. we were talking about mom and how i hate her but hes all like "she has a hard life also, u needa respect her still" and it was pissing me off, i know its true. she has a lot on her plate, but as a parent ur not supposed to take that all out on ur kids. and shes a lying, cheating, backstabbing bitch of a person anyways. then we got to florida and saw some dude standing there with a sign "kingston". wonderful. so we got in the car and drove up to the foutain blue and it was like 1am, sometihing like that. my mom was in the lobby hitting on some 19year old employee. then she starts screaming for us from across the dam lobby. guess te hole "i dont know u" card wasnt gonna work to well, there goes plan A. onto plan late. she was already over by us, kissing us and being all "motherly". she gave us our key- room 632. we were off. nice room, mini deff be needing that. we unpacked and watch tv- fell asleep somewhere in between wheel of fortune and semi homemade cooking with sandra lee?

loud knocks. i shot up. opened the door- its mother. "come i want u to see everyone. theyr all waiting by the pool. get ready and come." umm ok? its fuken 10am hus up and by the pool? so i smile and nodded...and went back to sleep. but i gues she knew my plan b.c she made the hotel send us an alarm like 500times in the next 2min. so we got up and got dressed. woohoo.

went to the pool. wow a lot of people, searched threw the crowd and found my mom- hitting on the pool boy, great! then she spotted us. dragged us over to a group of people. holy crap it was my cousins. well hello famiy reunion! was not quite ready for this. i have cousin my age eve. she is a huge ass snob. i fucken hate her. shes not even a cool snob, shes just boring and rich and ms.plastic surgery. (noticed her new nose job-for the 4th time) and she looks down on everyone. i went over to be all fake, being the nice person i am. "heyy omg whats up long time no see! hows life?" "great.ive herd things about u.." um ok? she looked me up and down, making that "ok slut in the skimpy bikini" face. so i just smiled and walked away b.c she is an odd person. then i saw my cousin adam by the pool,hes a year older then me (brandons age) and he was w. brandon and some guys who i found out were his friends from school. cool, said hi. moved on. saw my aunt libby who looks more like a barbie everyday. it was great fun. then my mom called me over. "jordana baby i want you to meet my.." "boyfriend"-finished off this tan(fake, no doubt) buff guy. ok last i checked u were married to my father and now ur showing me ur new,ass grabbing, body building, boyfriend? umm ew?? "o hi. so ur the lucky man huh?" they both laffed and i bounced right outa there. went over to my brother to see if he met this dude. he didnt but my mom was waving him over to meet him now. good luck.

then adam came over. and he asked me iif i liked my moms boyfriend. i love how my cousin that i see once every few years knows about all this before me. i was sick. i said i didnt know b.c we didnt talk yet. we started telling me about his dad and mom going threw a divorce and all this shit and we got talking and it was all so fucked up- there was only 1 q left to ask "wheres the bar in this place?" so we went to the bar by the pool and ordered every drink on the menu. drinking at 11am? classy, i know. then his frind scott came over and asked if we wanted to swim. and adam went but i felt like being alone.

so i went to the lounge chairs and tanned. drifted off. "whos up for tennis?" someone said in my ear. opened my eyes. uch it was my moms new beau. "rick is it?"

1 comment:

TbdT said...

omg that sucks! she has a new boyfriend?? ah im so sorry- call me